Our Blog
Help for Troubled Young Adults
The transition from the teenage years into adulthood can be challenging. During this time, young adults learn how to become independent and self-sufficient. Many go off to college while others begin to explore different work careers. While most young adults...
Can You Take FMLA for Depression?
Many people wonder if they can take time off from work for depression and if it will be covered under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The answer to this question is Yes. You can use FMLA if you are struggling with mental health issues such as depression. In fact,...
Tips for Effective Active Listening
Active Listening is an important part of effective conflict resolution and is a vital part of creating good relationships. Active Listening is more than just hearing a person’s words. When done correctly, Active Listening allows the listener to develop an...
The Words of Relapse
Prior to relapsing, most alcoholics and addicts begin to convince themselves that drinking or doing drugs is possible again. They start preparing their mind to use again and often convince themselves that nothing bad will happen if they start drinking and doing drugs....
Characteristics of Healthy Families
Listed below are some of the most common characteristics of healthy families. Open communication – Healthy families communicate effectively with each other. Effective conflict resolution – In healthy families, conflicts are resolved rather than avoided or repeated....
A Thank You Poem for Dads on Father’s Day
In honor of Father’s Day, we wanted to say Thank You to dads everywhere. A is for the ways you teach us to Adapt. B is for the ways you encourage us to be our Best. C is for the Confidence that you show. D is for the Determination that you help us develop. E is for...
Signs of Dysfunctional Families
All families have moments where they don’t function very well. For most families, these moments are brief and are often the result of situational stressors. Other families, however, can get stuck in unhealthy patterns which can lead to severe dysfunction....
Understanding Clinical Depression
Clinical Depression is a term that is sometimes used to describe a Major Depressive Episode. When someone is clinically depressed, they feel down all day every day. They often feel hopeless and begin to wonder “what’s the point of living.” They may become “weepy” or...
Do You Have Weather Fatigue?
It has been another rainy week here in Houston and most of us are getting tired of seeing it rain. It’s not just that we miss the sunshine, it’s also the fact that every time it storms, we can’t help but be reminded of Hurricane Harvey. For many of us, the effects of...
A Thank You Poem for Moms on Mother’s Day
In honor of Mother’s Day, we wanted to say Thank You to mothers everywhere. A is for the Affection that you give. B is for Believing in us. C is for the Compassion that you show. D is for the things you help us Discover. E is for the ways that you Encourage us. F is...