Clear Lake, TX

Clear Lake Outpatient Drug Rehab & Mental Health Treatment

Navigating the path to recovery from substance abuse and mental health conditions is a journey that requires not only courage but also the right support and treatment. At New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers, we understand this intimately. Licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services as a substance abuse treatment facility and accredited by the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Hospitals, New Dimensions is dedicated to providing comprehensive psychiatric and substance abuse treatment for adolescents and adults. 

With multiple locations throughout Greater Houston, including the serene and supportive environment in Clear Lake, we are here to guide you or your loved ones toward a brighter, substance-free future. Whether you’re looking for support with a drug and alcohol intervention for a loved one or need treatment yourself, New Dimensions has years of experience and offers a wide range of services to support your journey to mental wellness.

Outpatient Treatment Services in Clear Lake, TX

PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program)

Our partial hospitalization program (PHP) in Clear Lake is designed to offer tailored support for those needing intensive treatment without the confines of overnight hospitalization. PHP bridges the gap between inpatient treatment or psychiatric hospitalization and outpatient programs, offering structured therapy and psychiatric care during the day while allowing clients the comfort of returning home in the evenings. This balance ensures that treatment doesn’t disconnect you from your life but rather integrates healing within it. This level of care is also perfect for individuals that are stepping down from inpatient facilities and would benefit from structured support during the transition back to daily life.

IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program)

The intensive outpatient program (IOP) at New Dimensions in Houston is designed to offer a flexible yet robust structure for recovery and wellness. Ideal for those transitioning from PHP or for individuals requiring more support than traditional outpatient services in the Bay Area, IOP includes a comprehensive treatment plan, including psychiatric care, medication management, and several weekly sessions of group and individual therapy. This program empowers clients to continue attending to their daily responsibilities while receiving comprehensive treatment services.

Outpatient Program (OP) and Aftercare

Recovery is a continuous journey, which is why our outpatient treatment program in Clear Lake focuses on long-term success and relapse prevention for both substance use and mental health disorders. Created to accommodate individual schedules and needs, our outpatient rehab and aftercare programs provide the tools necessary to maintain mental wellness and sobriety in daily life. The programs at New Dimensions are designed to ensure that clients are not left without support, even after they complete treatment with us. Aftercare planning is a cornerstone of our approach, providing ongoing resources like individual therapy and support groups to bolster the resilience of our clients.

Outpatient Telehealth and Virtual IOP

In today’s digital age, the accessibility of treatment services is more important than ever. New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers leverages advanced telehealth technologies to transcend traditional care boundaries, ensuring that individuals across Texas can access our outpatient treatment programs without the constraints of physical distance. Our online offerings include comprehensive therapy sessions, group support environments, and in-depth psychiatric consultations, all delivered with the same level of quality and confidentiality as in-person visits. This approach expands access and integrates seamlessly into the daily lives of those we serve, making the path to recovery as straightforward and supportive as possible.

online treatment center for mental health and addiction
drug and alcohol intervention in clear lake

Psychological Testing

Psychological testing at New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers is a cornerstone of our diagnostic and treatment planning process. This comprehensive assessment goes beyond surface symptoms to understand the depth of an individual’s mental health and substance use issues. Our clinical team can uncover critical insights into cognitive functions, emotional well-being, personality traits, and potential psychological disorders through various standardized tests and personalized assessments. The results form the backbone of creating a customized treatment plan that addresses each individual’s unique needs, ensuring a more targeted and effective approach to recovery. By identifying specific mental health conditions alongside substance use disorders, we can tailor interventions that treat the whole person, not just the addiction.

Drug and Alcohol Intervention

Intervention is a pivotal step in the journey toward recovery for many individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. At New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers, our intervention process is designed to help families and loved ones communicate effectively with the individual in a supportive, non-confrontational way and encourage them to recognize the need for treatment. Guided by experienced professionals, these interventions aim to break through denial, highlight the impact of the individual’s substance use on themselves and their loved ones, and present a clear path to treatment. By creating a structured environment for this conversation, interventions can increase the likelihood of a person agreeing to seek help. Following the intervention, our team works closely with families, ensuring immediate support is available for the individual and their loved ones.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual diagnosis treatment addresses the complex needs of individuals who are dealing with both substance use disorders and mental health issues simultaneously. Recognizing that these conditions often influence and exacerbate each other, New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers offers specialized treatment programs that integrate care for mental health and substance abuse. Our multidisciplinary approach combines psychiatric care, counseling, behavioral therapies, and support groups, all designed to treat the whole person. By addressing both the substance use disorder and the co-occurring mental health condition together, our dual diagnosis treatment aims to improve overall outcomes, reduce the risk of relapse, and promote lasting recovery. This integrated treatment model is essential for individuals with dual diagnosis, as it offers a more comprehensive understanding and approach to their unique challenges, paving the way for a healthier, more balanced life.

dual diagnosis treatment in clear lake texas

Treatment for Adolescents

Adolescence is a critical period of growth, making the effective treatment of substance abuse and mental health issues during these years paramount. At New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers, our adolescent treatment programs in Clear Lake, TX are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of teenagers navigating the challenges of substance abuse and psychiatric conditions alongside the complexities of adolescent development. We create a supportive and engaging environment that respects the individuality of each young person, encouraging them to take an active role in their recovery journey.

Treatment for Adults

Adults facing substance abuse and psychiatric challenges like depression and anxiety require a treatment approach that acknowledges the complexities of adult life, including work, family, and social responsibilities. New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers provides a comprehensive range of adult treatment programs designed to address these multifaceted needs, facilitating a balanced approach to recovery that integrates seamlessly into the adult lifestyle. Our treatment for adults emphasizes personalized care, recognizing that each individual’s journey to recovery is unique. Through a combination of individual therapy, psychiatric support, group sessions, and family involvement, we create a therapeutic environment that promotes healing and growth.

Insurances Accepted in Clear Lake, TX

At New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers, we proudly partner with many premier private health insurance carriers across Texas. Our network encompasses:

  • Aetna
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Texas
  • Cigna (Evernorth)
  • ComPsych
  • Humana
  • Magellan
  • United Healthcare
  • Beacon Health Options
  • Plus several more (for inquiries about specific insurance coverage, please reach out)

Currently, Medicare and Medicaid are not within our coverage scope; however, we provide various flexible payment solutions for clients opting for self-payment.

For insurance verification or to explore alternative financing options, please contact us at 800-685-9796.

Clear Lake Psychiatrist

mohammed New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers

Mohammed Ayoub, MD

Mohammed Ayoub, MD is our practicing Adult, Child, and Adolescent Psychiatrist at New Dimensions in Houston, Texas. After finishing General Psychiatry Residency at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Residency at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Dr. Ayoub has been practicing in Clear Lake since 2002. He has been with the New Dimensions Day Treatment program of Clear Lake as the Medical Director of their Adolescent Program since 2002.

Why Choose New Dimensions for Drug Rehab & Mental Health Treatment in Clear Lake

Choosing New Dimensions for mental health and substance use treatment in Clear Lake, TX means entrusting your journey to recovery to a team that combines compassionate care with a robust spectrum of treatment options. Licensed and accredited by respected health authorities, we offer personalized treatment plans, including outpatient and telehealth services, to adolescents and adults. Our commitment to integrating family support and providing comprehensive care for dual-diagnosis individuals sets us apart, ensuring that each person’s path to recovery is both supported and sustainable.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Contact New Dimensions today and discover how we can help you or your loved one embark on the path to recovery and wellness.


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