The Pandemic Is Over, Why Do I Still Feel Unmotivated and Depressed?

Jul 5, 2023 | Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Mental Health, Overwhelmed, Panic, PTSD

After enduring an unprecedented global crisis, marked by isolation, fear, and uncertainty, we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The absence of masks, required vaccinations, and social distancing has allowed people in many parts of the world to feel a sense of normalcy once again. 

While the end of the pandemic brings relief and optimism for many, there are individuals who continue to struggle with a lingering sense of zero motivation and depression. This unexpected emotional state begs the question: Why, despite the world reopening, do some of us still feel trapped in the shadows of the pandemic?

The Residual Impact of the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted our lives on multiple levels, stretching our emotional resilience to its limits. From health concerns and financial stress to disrupted routines and social isolation, the pandemic left an indelible mark on our well-being. The abrupt transition from a bustling, connected world to a confined one left many feeling disconnected, lonely, and anxious.

With the pandemic finally ending, we may expect to bounce back immediately, embracing the return of normal life. However, the process of healing is not linear. The residual impact of the pandemic, combined with the emotional toll it took, may still haunt us even when the physical threat has diminished.

Grief and Loss

During the pandemic, many people suffered significant losses, whether it was the loss of loved ones, jobs, relationships, or personal aspirations. Grief is a complex and individual experience, and the healing process can be prolonged. Even as life resumes its course, feelings of sadness and mourning can linger, reminding us of the pain we endured. 

Many people that lost family members might find it painful or impossible to resume normal life following this loss. Feelings of resentment and anger can crop up as well, as the pandemic was unexpected and immensely destructive. Navigating these complex emotions can be draining and might lead to an overall sense of sadness. Without proper interventions, this can lead to depression. It’s crucial to acknowledge and give ourselves permission to grieve and heal. If this does not seem to be sufficient, finding a mental health professional to help is wise.

Uncertainty and Anxiety

The pandemic introduced a tremendous amount of uncertainty into our lives. We became accustomed to living with a constant sense of unpredictability and fear. Although progress has been made, uncertainty may still persist even after the pandemic is officially declared over. 

The fear of future outbreaks, the challenges of reintegrating into society, and the lingering effects on the economy can all contribute to ongoing anxiety and a lack of motivation. Additionally, millennials that have already lived through crises like the 2008 recession and September 11th are becoming accustomed to navigating widespread traumatic events. This is only increasing their pre-existing anxiety and making it more difficult to feel any relief as each event comes to an end. In a sense, we have become accustomed to anticipating the next disaster.

Habituation to Isolation

Extended periods of isolation during the pandemic led to a significant shift in our social dynamics. Many individuals developed a habit of staying indoors, limiting social interactions, and relying on digital communication for connection. While this was necessary for our safety, it also impacted our social skills and created a sense of unease when faced with real-world interactions. 

The return to socializing and reconnecting may feel overwhelming and uncomfortable, leading to further feelings of depression and demotivation. In fact, there has been a noticeable uptick in social anxiety, especially in younger children and adolescents. We can attribute this to the two-year isolation they experienced, without their typical socialization from school. 

Emotional Exhaustion

Living through a global crisis takes a toll on our emotional well-being, to say the least. The constant barrage of distressing news, adapting to new routines, and managing heightened stress levels for an extended period left many of us feeling emotionally drained. This emotional exhaustion persists even when the world starts to regain stability. It takes time and self-care to replenish our emotional reserves and find motivation once again.

Unresolved Trauma

For some, the pandemic experience may have resulted in trauma that goes beyond the immediate health threat. Those who battled severe illness, lost loved ones, or witnessed the devastating impact of the virus firsthand may be grappling with lasting trauma. Traumatic experiences can manifest in various ways, including depression, anxiety, and a lack of motivation. Seeking professional help and support from therapists or counselors can be crucial in processing and overcoming this trauma. Therapies like CBT, EMDR, and exposure therapy can all make a positive impact when it comes to healing these immense traumas.

Moving Forward

Understanding that the pandemic’s end doesn’t automatically erase the emotional toll it took is the first step toward healing. Accepting our feelings and giving ourselves permission to process them is essential. When it comes to coping, what works for some may not work for others, so finding methods to heal is a personal journey. Here are some strategies that may help:

  • Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that healing takes time. Allow yourself to feel without judgment.
  • Practice regular self-care: Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Take care of your physical and mental well-being through exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient rest.
  • Reconnect with others: Rebuilding social connections can be a gradual process. Start by reaching out to close friends and family members. Engage in activities that involve social interaction, such as joining clubs or participating in community events.
  • Set realistic goals: Start small and focus on achievable tasks. Break down large goals into smaller, manageable steps to regain a sense of accomplishment and motivation.
  • Find professional help: If you’re struggling with persistent feelings of depression and motivation, don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional. They can provide valuable support, guidance, and strategies to help you navigate this challenging phase.
  • Reflect on lessons learned: Take time to reflect on the lessons you’ve learned during the pandemic. Assess what truly matters to you and consider making positive changes in your life that align with your values and priorities.
  • Embrace a positive mindset: Cultivate gratitude and focus on the silver linings in your life. Practice mindfulness or meditation to enhance your mental well-being and shift your perspective towards a more positive outlook.
  • Engage in meaningful activities: Find activities that bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Whether it’s volunteering, pursuing a hobby, or engaging in creative outlets, doing things that align with your passions can help restore motivation and joy.

While the end of the pandemic brings hope for a brighter future, it’s important to acknowledge that the emotional impact may still linger. Feelings of depression, lack of motivation, and unease are valid responses to the collective trauma we’ve experienced. Healing takes time, and it’s essential to be patient and compassionate with ourselves during this process. 

By implementing self-care practices, seeking support when needed, and gradually reintegrating into society, we can navigate the aftermath of the pandemic and reclaim our motivation and happiness. Remember, you are not alone, and there is support available to help you through this challenging time.

New Dimensions Can Help!

If you or someone you know is in crisis due to mental health or substance abuse issues, New Dimensions can help.  To learn more about our in-person and online telehealth treatment programs, contact us at 800-685-9796 or visit our website at