The Benefits of Homeschooling for Neurodivergent Children

Jul 4, 2023 | Family Issues, Helping a Loved One

Homeschooling has become increasingly popular among parents, especially those with neurodivergent children, over the last few years. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, when most students were forced to attend school from home for a period of time, parents were able to witness the benefits of schooling in this manner. One study compared traditional schooling with homeschooling and found that homeschooling was associated with more frequent volunteering, a greater sense of purpose in life, less marijuana use, and fewer lifetime sexual partners. Though it is not a good fit for everyone, homeschooling can offer a sense of flexibility and increased safety for children who struggle in more traditional school settings.

Neurodivergent children, like those with autism, ADHD, or dyslexia, have their own unique learning styles and needs that may not be adequately addressed in a traditional school setting. Schooling from home offers a wide array of benefits to neurodivergent children that can help them reach their full potential without the distractions that take place in the traditional school setting.

Personalized Learning

Arguably the most significant benefit of homeschooling for neurodivergent children is personalized learning. Homeschooling allows parents to tailor their child’s education to their specific needs and learning style, which is essential for their success. This is particularly important for neurodivergent children who may struggle with certain subjects or have a learning disability. 

Homeschooling gives parents the power to modify the curriculum and provide extra support that their children need. Plus, they can take advantage of alternative teaching methods that may work better for their child. Personalized learning experiences allow children to learn at their own pace, which can help build confidence and prevent frustration that might otherwise occur.

Reduced Anxiety and Stress

Children that are diagnosed with conditions like ADHD or autism often experience high levels of anxiety and stress in traditional school settings. The sensory overload of noisy classrooms, bright lights, and constant social interaction can be overwhelming for some of these children. One benefit of homeschooling is that it provides a calmer, more predictable environment that can drastically reduce anxiety and stress. On top of this, homeschooling allows for more flexibility in their daily schedules, which helps to reduce the pressure of meeting strict deadlines and adhering to a rigid, pre-designed curriculum. If a student is having a bad day, the parents can easily modify their educational plan for the day to accommodate their needs. This can make school more enjoyable all around for their children.

Customized Socialization

While traditional schools provide plenty of opportunities for socialization, social interactions can still be difficult for neurodivergent children to navigate. They might find themselves struggling with social cues, making friends, and handling even the most normal social situations. Homeschooling lets parents customize socialization opportunities for their children, depending on what they can handle. 

As an example, parents can enroll their child in activities or classes that align with their interests or create socialization opportunities with a smaller group of peers that share similar interests or learning styles. This can help neurodivergent children build meaningful relationships and develop social skills at their own pace. Forcing them to fit into a traditional mold can be detrimental to them in the long run as they can sense that they are not aligning with other students’ standards of socialization.

Safe and Supportive Environment

Unfortunately, bullying is a prevalent issue in many traditional school settings that does not seem to be going anywhere. Neurodivergent children are often more susceptible to bullying because of their differences. Even when children do not have negative intentions, they are often able to sense when another student is different from them. This can lead to comments or actions that illustrate to the neurodivergent child how different they are. 

Homeschooling, on the other hand, provides a safe and supportive environment where children can learn and grow without fear of bullying or discrimination. Additionally, schooling from home allows for more one-on-one time with parents or teachers, which can help build strong relationships and create a sense of security.

More Flexibility

To put it simply, homeschooling offers more flexibility than traditional schooling. This flexibility is priceless for parents of children coping with a chronic condition or disability. Parents can quickly and easily adjust schedules to meet the needs of their child, such as therapy appointments or medical treatments. Plus, this style of schooling allows for more experiential learning opportunities, like field trips or hands-on projects. This dynamic type of learning can be particularly beneficial for neurodivergent children who learn best through hands-on experiences. Rather than being required to sit in their seat for hours per day, these students can be up and moving while learning at the same time.

Better Health

Homeschooling can also have a positive impact on the physical health of children with diagnosed difficulties. Traditional schools often have limited physical education programs, which can be problematic for children who need physical activity to regulate their sensory systems. Parents can incorporate physical activity into their child’s daily routine as well, as many students, particularly those with ADHD, can not sit still for extended periods of time. Lastly, parents are able to create healthy meal plans that address any dietary restrictions or sensitivities their child may have since they are cooking and feeding their child from home.

Tailored Curriculum

Parents are able to create a curriculum that aligns with their child’s interests and strengths via non-traditional schooling options. This can drastically help neurodivergent children develop a passion for learning and prevent burnout. Parents of these children can focus on areas where their child may need additional support, like reading comprehension or math skills.

Homeschooling also offers more flexibility and experiential learning opportunities, which can be particularly beneficial for neurodivergent children. Parents can tailor the curriculum to their child’s interests and strengths, helping them develop a passion for learning. Additionally, homeschooling allows for more one-on-one time with parents or teachers, which can foster stronger relationships and create a sense of security.

It’s important to note that homeschooling is not the right choice for every family or every child. It does require a significant amount of time and energy, as well as resources from parents. It’s always recommended that parents carefully consider their child’s needs and learning style before making the final decision to homeschool.

Parents who are considering homeschooling should also be aware of the legal requirements in their state or country. Homeschooling is legal in most countries, but there may be specific laws and regulations that parents must follow. It’s wise to research these requirements and ensure compliance to avoid any legal issues.

Homeschooling can be an excellent option for neurodivergent children as it allows parents to create a personalized learning experience that meets the unique needs of their child and offers more flexibility and experiential learning opportunities. Though it isn’t the best fit for all children, it can offer some priceless benefits to those that are not able to be successful in a brick-and-mortar school. Exploring all options can allow parents to find the best fit for their own children.

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New Dimensions provides PHP and IOP treatment services for adolescents and adults.  We also provide psychological testing and have individual, family, and couples therapy through our affiliate MHThrive (  To learn more about treatment options for depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, alcoholism, addictions, and other mental health issues, contact us at 800-685-9796 or visit our website at