New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers

Substance Abuse

Is Kratom Addictive?

Krаtоm іѕ an hеrb derived frоm a trорісаl evergreen trее (Mіtrаgуnа ѕресіоѕа) thаt grоwѕ mаіnlу іn Thаіlаnd аnd Southeast Asia. Thе leaves have been uѕеd for сеnturіеѕ to іnсrеаѕе еnеrgу, rеduсе раіn, elevate mооd, аnd rеlіеvе іntеѕtіnаl dіѕtrеѕѕ. Whіlе еаrlу users оf...

Internet Treatment Facilities

New Dimensions provides Intensive Outpatient Treatment Programs for adolescents and adults who are struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues. Some of the areas that we treat include: Depression Anxiety Trauma Panic Attacks Obsessive Compulsive Disorder...

Demystifying the First 3 Steps of AA

Demystifying the First 3 Steps of AA

In this blog, I will try to explain the essence of the first 3 Steps of the 12 Steps of AA. All steps in the 12-step process are important; however, the first 3 steps are fundamental, and it is imperative that a newcomer to sobriety is familiar with these steps and...