
What Causes Depression?

What Causes Depression?

While we do not know the exact cause of depression in each individual, we do know that there are a number of factors that contribute to the presence of depression. Some of the most common issues related to depression are: Genetics Individuals with parents that have...

What is a Mental Breakdown?

What is a Mental Breakdown?

  A Mental Breakdown is a common way of describing an episode where a person has difficulty functioning mentally and/or emotionally. This “mental breakdown” is often a combination of severe depression and anxiety. Some of the common symptoms are: Hopelessness...

Am I Depressed?

Am I Depressed?

Take the brief Depression Test below to help determine if you have symptoms of depression: Do you have thoughts of suicide? Do you ever wish that you wouldn’t wake up? Do you have a down mood that doesn’t seem to go away? Have you lost interest in activities that you...

Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymic Disorder

Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymic Disorder

Major Depressive Disorder Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a mood disorder that is marked by a depressed mood, loss of interest in things that previously interested the person (including sex), and low self-esteem. A person experiencing depression often feels...

Signs of Depression

Signs of Depression

Everyone has good days and bad days in their life. While we obviously would prefer to have only good days, the realities of life dictate that we will have ups and downs. For example, a death of a close friend may bring a period of grief and sadness, while a wedding...

Depression Treatment

Depression Treatment

Depression is one of the most common mental health issues in the United States. In any given year, about 6.7% of the population experiences a major depressive episode. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a mood disorder that is marked by a depressed mood, loss of...

Depression Symptoms

Depression Symptoms

Some people think that you should be able to just “snap out of it” when you become depressed. While this strategy may work if you are “in a funk” or having a bad day, it doesn’t work for depression. Depression can be debilitating and if left untreated can be...