New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers


Our Blog

Mothers’ Depression Impacts Mother-Infant Relationships

In a research study supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), scientists investigated the potential impact of depression on the mother-infant relationship during pregnancy and postpartum. The researchers...

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The Effects of Sleep on Physical and Mental Health

If you’ve ever been a victim of a poor night’s sleep, you know first-hand how challenging getting through the next day can be. Between a lack of energy, brain fog, and a general sense of exhaustion, not getting enough rest the night before sets you up for a rough day...

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How Working From Home Impacts Our Mental Health

We are officially in the age of flexible work arrangements, where commuting from the bedroom to the home office has become the new norm for many of us. As of 2023, roughly one third of the working population works from their own home. Working from home has its...

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Signs That Your Child May Be Experiencing Bullying

Childhood and adolescence are periods in which students are especially susceptible to bullying, whether that be at home, at school, or in their neighborhood. Unfortunately, there are little to no instances in which children can be entirely safe from bullying....

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How To Cope With Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying has become an unfortunate reality for many individuals. Although we might like to believe that growing up and graduating from schooling means the end of bullying, this is not the case. Whether it manifests as verbal abuse, exclusion, or...

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The Invisible Scars of Children Raised by Alcoholics

In the quiet corners of our communities, a silent struggle unfolds, often unnoticed by those around them. Behind closed doors, countless children bear the weight of growing up in households where alcoholism affects their daily lives. These children, innocent...

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