New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers


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Mental Health Condition Linked to Autoimmune Disease

A recently released study revealed that women with a history of depression are twice as likely to develop systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) compared to those without depression. Led by Andrea L. Roberts, PhD, from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the study...

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Mental Health Disorders Common Following Mild Head Injury

A groundbreaking study conducted by Danish scientists has demonstrated a significant correlation between head traumas, such as concussions and skull fractures, and the subsequent risk of developing mental disorders. The study revealed that head injuries can increase...

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Mentally Ill Kids Become Less Healthy Adults

New research conducted by a Duke University team in New Zealand highlights the connection between mental health challenges in early life and poorer physical health and advanced aging in adulthood. The researchers argue that investing in prompt mental health care could...

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How to Cope with ADHD Without Medications

ADHD is a difficult disorder to cope with as it can stand in the way of a person's ability to reach their full potential. They may find themselves frustrated at their inability to focus on the task at hand. While the prevalence of this disorder is only increasing, it...

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ADHD: Strategies to Stay Organized

The human memory is atrociously, embarrassingly limited. Researchers have estimated that, at best, we can store three to five items' worth of information in our working memory. The simplest example of this is when we try to remember a phone number: we can keep all the...

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The Process of Diagnosing Autism

In the last few decades, autism has been diagnosed at a quicker rate than ever before. Since its original definition in 1943, the disorder has changed drastically. Now, we are seeing more people, especially children, diagnosed with this than ever before. This is not...

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Help for Compulsive Gambling

Compulsive gаmblіng, аlѕо саllеd gambling dіѕоrdеr, іѕ thе unсоntrоllаblе urge tо kеер gambling dеѕріtе the tоll іt tаkеѕ оn your lіfе. Gambling means thаt уоu'rе wіllіng tо rіѕk something уоu value in the hope оf getting ѕоmеthіng оf еvеn greater vаluе.  Gambling саn...

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The Dangers of Letting Your Teen Drink at Home

As parents, we are constantly working to protect our children from harm and help them make decisions that positively shape their futures. Ironically, a growing trend among some parents is the practice of allowing their teenagers to consume alcohol at home under their...

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The Dangers of Vaping for Teenagers and Young Adults

Within the past few years, there has been an alarming rise in the popularity of e-cigarettes, or vapes, among teenagers. This dangerous trend has sparked concerns among parents and health professionals as it impacts both physical and mental health. To best plan how to...

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