
Our Blog

Am I Going Crazy?

If you are asking the question “am I going crazy”, the answer is that you probably aren’t. Most people who lose touch with reality (i.e. hallucinations, delusions, paranoia), usually don’t ask this question. They are typically unaware that they are becoming delusional...

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Anxiety in Teens

Many teenagers have anxiety. Some of this anxiety in teens occurs because of the normal transition from childhood to adulthood. During this time, teenagers experience physical, intellectual, and social changes. Their thinking becomes more abstract and complex and...

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Fall Off the Wagon?

Ever wonder why someone goes back to drinking or doing drugs after getting clean and sober? To an outside observer, this process of “falling off the wagon” or relapsing often doesn’t make any sense, especially if the alcoholic or addict has either been sober for a...

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Difficult Teenager

If you are dealing with a teenager that is difficult to manage or that goes in and out of a crisis, We Can Help! Our team of therapists and psychiatrists can assist you in getting your teenagers back on the road to recovery. We specialize in the treatment of teenagers...

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Arrested For DUI?

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol and/or drug abuse, We Can Help. Our team of therapists and psychiatrists can assist you in getting the help you need to overcome addictions and begin a path toward lasting sobriety. While In Our Program, You Will:...

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How to Relieve Stress

While many of us would like to create a “stress-free life”, the reality is that stress is a normal part of our day-to-day lives. Whether it is the stress of traffic, work, school, parenting, money, relationships, weather, or some unexpected event, we all have to find...

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At Risk Teenagers and the Start of the School Year

The start of the school year can be stressful as parents and teenagers adjust to the demands of school and the increase in extracurricular activities. While most teenagers adjust relatively quickly, some teenagers really struggle to transition back into the school...

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The Journey of Healing and Recovery

The process of recovery from emotional pain or substance abuse is a journey. The journey is often filled with twists and turns which may leave you wondering when it will end. Having a therapist to be your guide during this journey can provide you hope during the dark...

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PTSD and Hurricane Harvey

Whenever a crisis occurs, we tend to rise to the occasion and do what needs to be done to overcome the problems. In Houston, we witnessed countless examples of individuals who went the extra mile to help others during the storm. Since the storm, we have also witnessed...

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PTSD and the Santa Fe Shooting

As a community, we continue to grieve the tragic losses that occurred because of the shooting at Santa Fe High School. While summer has provided a brief reprieve from the stresses of school, it hasn’t relieved the pain that many in our community continue to feel. In...

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