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The Hazards of “Mommy Juice” Culture

Thanks in part to social media, a concerning trend has recently emerged within parenting circles, commonly referred to as the “mommy juice” culture. What it refers to is the normalization and glorification of mass alcohol consumption among mothers, usually marketed as a coping mechanism or a means to unwind from the stresses of parenting.

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How to Help a Depressed Spouse or Loved One

Supporting a loved one who is battling depression can be hard on everyone involved, especially if the person affected is your spouse. While not all depression is long-term, it can cause bumps in the road for many relationships, romantic or otherwise.

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Exploring the Spectrum of Anxiety

While most people will experience anxiety in their lifetime, some people are forced to deal with it daily. Anxiety can manifest in many ways, ranging from debilitating to mildly frustrating.

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Exploring Trauma and Addiction

Experiencing trauma impacts a person in a variety of ways, from their physical to their mental health. Depending on the degree of the trauma, effects can be experienced for months to years and even decades. For some, the trauma is so severe that they begin using substances to cope with the emotional discomfort.

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How Long Do Withdrawals Last?

For those considering quitting the use of an addictive substance, withdrawals are likely at the forefront of their mind. Whether it’s from alcohol, illegal substances, or even anxiety medication, withdrawals can be scary and life threatening in some cases.

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How to Bounce Back After a Depressive Episode

Experiencing depression, to any degree, can take a toll on your body and mind. For those that suffer from depressive episodes – ones that come in waves, rather than a constant state – it can be especially taxing.

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Codependent Relationships and Addiction

Codependent relationships and addiction often go hand in hand, creating a complex situation that affects every aspect of the lives of those involved. When one person is suffering from addiction, the codependent person often feels the need to break their own boundaries and live their lives in a way that caters to the other party.

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Exploring Narcissistic Personality Disorder

At some point, you may have heard the term narcissist used to describe another person, but this is a rather serious disorder that affects a small portion of the population. Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or NPD, is a complex and often misunderstood condition that is characterized by a long-term pattern of exaggerated self-importance, the need for excessive attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.

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Understanding Panic Disorder & How New Dimensions Can Help

Panic disorder is a common and, in many cases, debilitating mental health condition that involves recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. These attacks are intense, overwhelming episodes of fear and anxiety that can be accompanied by physical symptoms like a racing heart and shortness of breath.

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