Our Blog
How to Cope with Treatment-Resistant Depression
Depression is a mental health disorder that affects countless people worldwide, each to a varying degree. Although many individuals respond well to various treatments, there's a subset that continues to battle persistent symptoms and it’s known as treatment-resistant...
Alcohol and the Strategic Marketing Behind its Appeal
Alcohol has consistently held a prominent place in social gatherings and cultural practices for centuries. Beyond its well-known intoxicating effects, alcohol's appeal is deeply rooted in strategic marketing efforts that captivate consumers and shape their...
Binge Drinking and Its Detrimental Impact on Mental Health
Binge drinking, characterized by consuming excessive amounts of alcohol within a short period, has been an issue primarily seen in college students. Now, we are seeing binge drinking taking place on a more frequent basis and in a wider pool of demographics....
How Adolescent Drug Usage Has Been Impacted by the Legalization of Marijuana
The legalization of marijuana has been a topic of heated debate worldwide, with countless arguments focusing on its potential benefits and drawbacks. Arguably the most critical area of concern is how the legalization of marijuana may impact adolescent drug usage....
The Pandemic Is Over, Why Do I Still Feel Unmotivated and Depressed?
After enduring an unprecedented global crisis, marked by isolation, fear, and uncertainty, we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The absence of masks, required vaccinations, and social distancing has allowed people in many parts of the world to...
The Benefits of Homeschooling for Neurodivergent Children
Homeschooling has become increasingly popular among parents, especially those with neurodivergent children, over the last few years. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, when most students were forced to attend school from home for a period of time, parents were able to...
Can an Alcoholic Quit Cold Turkey?
Alcohol is an incredibly addictive substance that negatively impacts a large number of people in America. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, nearly 17 million Americans suffer from alcoholism or alcohol abuse. Although it is possible...
What Is The Difference Between Anxiety and An Anxiety Disorder
For many people, some degree of anxiety is a normal part of life. In fact, in many cases, the presence of anxiety can be a healthy response to stress. It can help people prepare for challenges or help keep them safe in novel situations and protect them from harm. But...
How to Cope With OCD
The fabric of life is woven with uncertainty. The machinations of the universe are mysterious and beyond prediction. And it is this uncertainty that sows worries, fears, and doubts in our minds. To be human is to acknowledge the fact that we can only exert so much...
How Parental Trauma Affects Children and What You Can Do About It
Negative or traumatic experiences from parents have the ability to influence their children in a multitude of ways. Trauma can range significantly and is categorized as either Little T or Big T. Little T traumas are less severe than Big T and can stem from...