For many people, the holidays can be a time of enjoyment with family and friends. For many others, the holidays can be a time of stress, loneliness, tension, disappointments, and arguments. The difference is often related to the dynamics within our families, the types...
Mental Health
Living with Someone Who is Depressed
Depression is a debilitating disease that affects not only the depressed person but also those who live with them. When someone is depressed, they tend to feel sad, hopeless, helpless, tired, irritated, and worthless. They may withdraw from those around them and lose...
Treatment for Sexual Abuse Trauma
In today’s world, it seems like reports of sexual abuse are everywhere. Given the recent headlines, it would be easy to think that sexual abuse is on the rise. Unfortunately, those of us in the mental health profession know that sexual abuse has been a painful reality...
Am I Going Crazy?
If you are asking the question “am I going crazy”, the answer is that you probably aren’t. Most people who lose touch with reality (i.e. hallucinations, delusions, paranoia), usually don’t ask this question. They are typically unaware that they are becoming delusional...
Anxiety in Teens
Many teenagers have anxiety. Some of this anxiety in teens occurs because of the normal transition from childhood to adulthood. During this time, teenagers experience physical, intellectual, and social changes. Their thinking becomes more abstract and complex and...
How to Relieve Stress
While many of us would like to create a “stress-free life”, the reality is that stress is a normal part of our day-to-day lives. Whether it is the stress of traffic, work, school, parenting, money, relationships, weather, or some unexpected event, we all have to find...
At Risk Teenagers and the Start of the School Year
The start of the school year can be stressful as parents and teenagers adjust to the demands of school and the increase in extracurricular activities. While most teenagers adjust relatively quickly, some teenagers really struggle to transition back into the school...
PTSD and Hurricane Harvey
Whenever a crisis occurs, we tend to rise to the occasion and do what needs to be done to overcome the problems. In Houston, we witnessed countless examples of individuals who went the extra mile to help others during the storm. Since the storm, we have also witnessed...
PTSD and the Santa Fe Shooting
As a community, we continue to grieve the tragic losses that occurred because of the shooting at Santa Fe High School. While summer has provided a brief reprieve from the stresses of school, it hasn’t relieved the pain that many in our community continue to feel. In...
Depression Help in Houston Texas
If you live in the greater Houston area and are looking for help with your depression, New Dimensions can help. Depression is a debilitating disorder that can strike at any age. Left untreated, depression can take the enjoyment out of life and can lead to a variety of...