
Our Blog

Why do Alcoholics and Addicts Lie?

Have you ever looked at your spouse, child, parent, friend, or loved one and asked, “What happened to the person that I used to know?” or “Why do I feel so crazy when I talk to them?” Living with an alcoholic or addict can be stressful and overwhelming, especially...

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A Parent’s Guide to Surviving the Teenage Years

The teenage years can be a stressful time for both teenagers and their parents. During this time, teenagers tend to test the limits as they try to figure out their place in life. To help you navigate the challenges that teenagers present, we have listed some...

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Depression Help in Houston Texas

If you live in the greater Houston area and are looking for help with your depression, New Dimensions can help. Depression is a debilitating disorder that can strike at any age. Left untreated, depression can take the enjoyment out of life and can lead to a variety of...

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Open Letter to Alcoholics and Addicts

Have you ever wondered if you should quit drinking or doing drugs? No, I don’t mean today, I mean one of those times in the past. You know, one of those times when you were hungover or wondering what happened the night before. Maybe it was a time when you woke up...

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How to quit drinking

Learn to recognize the signs of problem drinking and addiction – Family members or friends are usually the first people to bring up the problems around drinking. Unfortunately, many people ignore these early complaints or dismiss them as just “nagging” behavior. Don’t...

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How to Help an Alcoholic?

Alcoholism is a horrible disease that affects not only the alcoholic but also his/her family and friends. If you have lived with an alcoholic, you are all too familiar with living with broken promises, lies, manipulations, hurt, and anger. If you are trying to help...

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Drinking Problem?

Ever wonder why people around you can control their drinking when you can’t? Ever wonder if you have a drinking problem? Ever regretted drinking too much the night before? If you have ever asked yourself these questions, then you might have a drinking problem. No one...

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Are Suicidal Thoughts Normal?

We have often been asked the question, “Are suicidal thoughts normal?” The short answer is that Suicidal Thoughts are Not Normal. Most people do not have suicidal...

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