What Causes Anxiety?

Nov 14, 2021 | Blog, Abuse, Anxiety, Family Issues, Substance Abuse

Anxiety is a normal human condition. For most people, anxiety is temporary and manageable. However, for some people, anxiety can become acute and/or pervasive. The cause of this anxiety can come from a variety of sources. Some of the most common causes of anxiety include:


Individuals with parents that have experienced anxiety are more likely to experience anxiety. It is unclear if this link is because of genetics or environment or a combination of both, but it seems likely that some people have a predisposition to anxiety.


Research indicates that the brain and anxiety are interrelated. Current research has identified that the limbic system and neurotransmitters within the brain play a role in anxiety.

Physical Health Issues

Problems with physical health can lead to anxiety. For example, a person who experiences heart palpitations from a medical condition may experience anxiety as a result of their underlying health problems.

Physical Imbalances in the Body

Changes in blood sugar, thyroid imbalances, or imbalance in hormones are examples of imbalances within the body that can trigger anxiety.


Anxiety can be brought about by life circumstances that become overwhelming and that overwhelm our normal ability to cope.

Unresolved Trauma

Trauma that is unresolved can affect the physical and emotional well-being of an individual and lead to depression and anxiety.


Stress that is extreme and ongoing frequently contributes to anxiety. If our body and mind begin to wear down, we are more susceptible to disease, health problems, depression, and anxiety.

Unresolved Conflicts

Conflicts that do not get resolved can contribute to episodes of anxiety.

Unresolved Family of Origin Issues

Growing up in a chaotic home where basic emotional needs are not met can lead to anxiety.

Unresolved Grief

Grief is a normal part of saying goodbye to our losses and re-establishing our life in a new way. Sometimes, however, people get stuck in the grief cycle and experience anxiety as a result.

Unresolved Abuse Issues

Emotional pain that is unresolved can lead to anxiety. Physical, emotional, sexual, or verbal abuse can all contribute to the presence of anxiety.


A key component of anxiety is worrying. The more a person worries, the more anxious they tend to become. Conversely, the more anxious a person is, the more they tend to worry. Some of the common worries that can trigger anxiety are:

  • Fear of Failure
  • Fear of Abandonment
  • Fear of Rejection
  • Fear of Being Vulnerable
  • Feelings of Inadequacy
  • Performance fears
Substance Abuse

Drug and alcohol abuse can create anxiety. Anxiety can occur as a side-effect of substance use or can result from withdrawal from drugs and/or alcohol.

New Dimensions Can Help!

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the above symptoms or problems, New Dimensions can help. Our team of experienced therapists and psychiatrists can help you overcome these challenges and help you develop the skills you need to thrive. To schedule a complementary assessment or to find out more about our programs, contact us at 1-800-685-9796.

Our affiliate, MHThrive, provides Individual Therapy, Couples and Marriage Counseling, and Family Therapy at our locations in Katy, The Woodlands, and the Clear Lake area of Houston, Texas. We also provide telehealth therapy for anyone who resides within the State of Texas. To schedule an appointment with one of the MHThrive therapists, contact us at 713-477-0333 or visit www.mhthrive.com to learn more.