The Journey of Personal Growth and How It Can Help You Develop Better Relationships

Mar 30, 2022 | Blog, Mental Health, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem

Imagine getting dressed in the morning without looking in the mirror.  How would you know how you looked?  The mirror gives you immediate feedback about your appearance which you can then use to adjust your hair, clothing, etc.  The mirror gives you a chance to improve your appearance.  Without looking at yourself in the mirror, it is much more difficult to make improvements.  

In many ways, getting to know yourself is like looking in a mirror.  The more insight you have about yourself, the more grounded you will become.  In the world of relationships, the rich tend to get richer, and the poor tend to get poorer.  I am not talking about money, but instead am referring to emotional contentment and fulfillment.  

People who tend to have high self-esteem and feel happy with themselves and their lives tend to choose relationships that support and validate them.  On the other hand, people who need someone else to make them happy tend to get into more controlling and destructive relationships.  In other words, the less you need someone to make you happy, the more likely you are to find someone who supports your happiness.  

Working on Yourself is the Pathway to Creating Healthier Relationships

Ever wonder what working on yourself is really about?  Working on yourself is primarily about gaining an understanding of your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, motivations, and actions.  The more that you understand why you do what you do and why you feel the way you feel, the more power you have over the choices you make in your life.  Self-awareness allows you to create the life that you want rather than recreating the life that you’ve had.

Listed below are some of the benefits that come from working on yourself:
  • Helps you gain a greater understanding of your feelings – The more you understand why you feel the way you do, the easier it is to manage your feelings.
  • Helps you gain a greater understanding of what motivates you – The more insight you have into your own internal drivers, the easier it is to line up what you want with what you do.
  • Helps you overcome emotional baggage – Most people develop some form of emotional baggage as they grow up and develop relationships in their lives.  This emotional baggage can disrupt current and future relationships.  The more you resolve old wounds, the easier it is to create healthy relationships.
  • Helps you develop emotional maturity – Learning how to handle your emotions in a mature manner will help you maintain relationships rather than destroying them when you feel hurt or angry.
  • Helps you develop emotional intelligence – Learning how to think clearly while you are feeling emotions is an important part of personal and relationship growth.
  • Helps you update your self-image – Creating a healthy self-image is an important part of creating positive self-esteem.
  • Helps you face your insecurities – Insecurities can prevent you from taking the kind of healthy risks that allow you to make life all that it can be.  The more you resolve your insecurities, the easier it is to create a fulfilling life.
Ways to get started working on yourself:
  • Self-reflection – Self-reflection is an ongoing process of recognizing your strengths and owning your weaknesses.  The more aware we are of ourselves the more effective we tend to be in making healthy choices.
  • Journaling – Writing helps you put words to your thoughts and feelings.  The more words we have for our internal experiences the easier it is for us to express them in healthy ways.
  • Mindfulness – Pay attention to those things that bring strong emotional responses.  What does that tell you about your own baggage, needs, motivations, thoughts, and beliefs.  Mindfulness allows you to act in purposeful ways instead of just being reactive.
  • Value feedback from others – People around us are often a mirror for us to see ourselves.  How do others perceive us?  Learn to value the feedback from others, rather than being defensive.  It will help you gain a greater understanding of yourself.  
  • Get educated – Be a consumer of information.  There are numerous self-help books that can help you gain insight into human behavior.  Learn from those who have come before you.
  • Develop your own interests – Make your life rich and full.  Don’t wait for a relationship to fulfill you.  Learn to create your own happiness.
  • Develop your own sense of security – The more secure you feel within yourself the less likely you are to tolerate destructive relationships.
  • Get Therapy – Therapy can help you gain unique insights into yourself and can help you resolve old hurts.   Work on your mental health and it will pay huge dividends throughout your life.
New Dimensions Can Help!

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the above symptoms or problems, New Dimensions can help. Our team of experienced therapists and psychiatrists can help you overcome these challenges and help you develop the skills you need to thrive. To schedule a complementary assessment or to find out more about our programs, contact us at 1-800-685-9796.

Our affiliate, MHThrive, provides Individual Therapy, Couples and Marriage Counseling, and Family Therapy at our locations in Katy, The Woodlands, and the Clear Lake area of Houston, Texas. We also provide telehealth therapy for anyone who resides within the State of Texas. To schedule an appointment with one of the MHThrive therapists, contact us at 713-477-0333 or visit to learn more.