
The Dangers of Vaping for Teenagers and Young Adults

The Dangers of Vaping for Teenagers and Young Adults

Within the past few years, there has been an alarming rise in the popularity of e-cigarettes, or vapes, among teenagers. This dangerous trend has sparked concerns among parents and health professionals as it impacts both physical and mental health. To best plan how to...

Quitting Smoking Linked to Improved Mental Health

Quіttіng smoking is known tо have bеnеfіtѕ for рhуѕісаl hеаlth, іnсludіng a rеduсеd risk оf cancer аnd heart disease, but a nеw ѕtudу ѕuggеѕtѕ that gіvіng uр the habit may іmрrоvе mеntаl hеаlth as well. Research on Smoking In the ѕtudу, researchers reviewed...