Our Blog
How to Handle Social Rejection
Have you ever been picked last in a dodgeball game? It probably hurt a little as you anxiously waited for your name to be called. How about a fallout with your close friends? All of a sudden you are excluded from the group hangouts. You cannot sit with them at lunch...
The Long-Term Emotional and Physical Effects of COVID
As of 2023, the COVID-19 pandemic has seemingly had an impact on every single aspect of our lives. Aside from just the physical health implications, the pandemic has also led to both emotional and psychological effects on individuals. For many, it is safe to say that...
Rising Self-Harm Among Teens: Understanding the Causes and Solutions
Mental health has always been an important issue, but it has become even more pressing in recent years, especially among teenagers. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 10-20% of adolescents worldwide experience mental health issues, with...
Toxic Friendships: How to Identify Them and Remove Them From Your Life
Friendships are what most would consider essential in life. They provide us with a sense of belonging, support, and companionship. However, not all friendships are positive or healthy. Unfortunately, we sometimes find ourselves in toxic friendships that do more harm...
The Effects of High-Potency Marijuana on Mental Health and Addiction
The legalization of marijuana has been a topic of debate for several years, with proponents arguing that it has numerous medical benefits, while opponents claim that it can lead to addiction and harm mental health. High-potency marijuana has become increasingly...
Warning Signs That Your College Student (Son/Daughter) Is Depressed
As a parent, it can be difficult at times to know how your college student is doing. College provides young adults an opportunity to learn not just academics. Fоr mаnу, соllеgе іѕ thе fіrѕt time thеу еxреrіеnсе ѕhаrіng a room оr bаlаnсіng thеіr own academic аnd...
Key Lifestyle Variables That Impact The Risk of Drug or Alcohol Addiction
Substance abuse is one of the most prevalent public health issues in the world currently, taking the lives of 11.8 million people per year. Each year, the numbers continue to climb. Lifestyle factors happen to play a crucial role in the development of drug and alcohol...
Warning Signs That Someone is Being Abused
Abuse is a very serious issue that affects people from all walks of life, regardless of their age, gender, race, or social status. It can take on many different forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse. Unfortunately, many of the victims of...
How Trauma Impacts and Changes the Brain
Trauma is a term that refers to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that has a lasting impact on an individual's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Trauma can result from a variety of life-altering events, such as natural disasters, physical or sexual...
Hоw Do I Gеt Mу Addісtеd Spouse Intо Treatment?
Whеn a spouse experiences аddісtіоn, іt саn tаkе a toll оn thеіr ѕіgnіfісаnt оthеr and everyone around them. Wanting tо help аn аddісtеd spouse іѕ a rаtіоnаl response, but gоіng about it іn thе wrong wау mау еnd uр dоіng mоrе hаrm thаn gооd. Pаrtnеrѕ оf аddісtеd...