Our Blog
Understanding the Nature of Fear and Anxiety in the Age of COVID-19
These are uncertain times. Many people are fearful and worried about the future. The stress of dealing with this ongoing crisis is beginning to take an emotional toll on many people within our communities. In many ways, this crisis is similar to what those of us on...
New Dimensions Now Provides Telemedicine Services
In order to continue to meet the needs of individuals who are struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues, New Dimensions has now created a telemedicine option. Our telehealth programs allow you and your family to continue to receive intensive mental...
How to Cope with the Stress from the Coronavirus Pandemic
These are unprecedented times. The world has slowed dramatically as we all try to find ways of slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Our daily routines have been turned upside down as restaurants and schools have closed and travel, events, and gatherings have all...
Effectively Managing Anger
Everyone experiences anger, but not everyone manages their anger effectively. Listed below are some steps that you can take to manage anger more effectively. Learn how to cool off – Learning how to control your emotions rather than letting your emotions control you is...
How to Cope with Being a Single Parent
In the best of circumstances, parenting can be difficult. When you are a single parent, it is even more difficult. Listed below are some steps that you can take to help you navigate the challenges of being a single parent. Follow effective parenting strategies. Make...
Overcoming Fear During the Process of Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Abuse
One of the most important topics to discuss when getting sober is the aspect of fear. Fear usually dominates the thought process when substance abuse is active. Fear is a prominent part of anyone's life, and more so for the substance user who feels their very...
Stages of Change in Addiction
Just like other health issues, Addiction and recovery have a process that can be tracked and followed. Knowing about this process is helpful in determining where an individual is in that process, what can be expected next, and if progress is being made in the process....
Common Reactions in the Aftermath of a Traumatic Experience or Traumatic Event
The list below is intended to provide you an outline of some of the most common experiences that people have after living through a traumatic event. Some people experience all of these reactions, while others may experience only a few of these reactions. Common...
IOP for Mental Health
If you are looking for an IOP for mental health issues, New Dimensions can help. New Dimensions offers intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) in Texas for both adolescents and adults. We have locations in Katy, The Woodlands, and the Clear Lake area of Houston, Texas....
How to Prevent PTSD
Trauma can happen to anyone. In fact, current estimates are that as many as 70% of adults in the US have experienced trauma in their lives. Of those who experience trauma, around 20% develop PTSD as a result of their experiences. In order to help you prevent a...