ADHD Testing for Children, Adolescents, and Adults

Jul 20, 2023 | ADHD, Psychological Testing

The common disorder known as ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, affects both children and adults, with most diagnoses taking place in childhood. People with ADHD have trouble with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention, which affects their ability to focus, sit still, learn, and perform daily tasks. Although ADHD is a pretty common disorder, with estimates suggesting that it affects 5-10% of school-age children, diagnosing it can be difficult due to its overlapping symptoms with other disorders and the variability of its presentation across individuals.

ADHD testing is an important process that is used to diagnose ADHD and rule out other disorders that may have similar symptoms. Currently, it is estimated that only about 20% of adults with ADHD actually know that they have the disorder. If these adults were able to test and confirm their diagnosis, they could begin interventions to help them cope with daily life. Below, we will explore the process of ADHD testing, including the different types of tests used, the assessment methods used, and the potential benefits and drawbacks of testing.

Types of ADHD Tests

There are actually quite a few types of tests that can be used to diagnose ADHD, the most popular of which are known as behavioral rating scales, computerized tests, clinical interviews, and observational assessments. Each type of test has its own advantages and disadvantages and is used to assess different aspects of the disorder. In many cases, utilizing a combination of testing types can provide a more comprehensive view and can help solidify a diagnosis. As you will see, some testing types allow for more room for error than others. Discussing testing options with a professional is the best way to determine the correct path for your own individual needs.

Behavioral Rating Scales

Behavioral rating scales are questionnaires that are filled out by the patient, their parents, teachers, and other people who have frequent interactions with the individual. These questionnaires ask about the individual’s behavior and symptoms in different settings, like home, school, and social situations. These rating scales provide valuable information about the individual’s behavior, but they rely on the perceptions and observations of others and may not accurately reflect the individual’s experiences. For this reason, it is best to combine this form of testing with another more clinical form of testing.

Computerized Tests

Computerized tests are another type of ADHD test that uses specialized software to assess cognitive abilities such as attention, memory, and impulsivity. These tests are often used to supplement other tests and can provide objective information about the individual’s cognitive abilities. However, computerized tests may not accurately reflect the individual’s behavior in real-life situations, and they can be affected by factors such as fatigue, motivation, and distractions.

Clinical Interviews

Clinical interviews are another type of ADHD test that involves a structured or semi-structured interview with the individual and their family members or caregivers. These helpful interviews can provide valuable information about the individual’s history, symptoms, and functioning in different areas of life. However, clinical interviews rely on the individual’s ability to accurately report their experiences, and they may not capture all aspects of the disorder. In some cases, clinical interviews can involve a third party to help ensure accurate information is shared. This may not be the best option for children, especially those of a very young age.

Observational Assessments

These assessments involve observing the individual’s behavior in different settings, like home, school, or even clinical settings. These assessments can provide valuable information about the individual’s behavior and functioning, but they require trained professionals to conduct the assessments and may not accurately reflect the individual’s behavior in other settings.

Assessment Methods

In addition to the types of tests used, ADHD testing involves several assessment methods that are used to evaluate different aspects of the disorder. These assessment methods include:

  • Clinical assessment: Clinical assessment involves a thorough evaluation of the individual’s medical history, symptoms, and functioning. This assessment may involve a physical exam or laboratory tests.
  • Psychological assessment: This assessment umbrella uses standardized tests and questionnaires to evaluate the individual’s cognitive abilities, emotional functioning, and behavior.
  • Educational assessment: Educational assessments evaluate the individual’s academic abilities, including categories like reading, writing, and math skills.
  • Social assessment:  A social assessment evaluates the individual’s social skills, including their ability to interact with others and form relationships.
Benefits of ADHD Testing
  • Accurate diagnosis: ADHD testing helps to accurately diagnose ADHD and rule out other disorders that may have similar symptoms. This can help to ensure that the individual receives the appropriate treatment and support.
  • Improved treatment outcomes: Accurate diagnosis can help to ensure that the individual receives the appropriate treatment, which will improve their symptoms and functioning overall.
  • Increased understanding: ADHD testing results increase understanding of the individual’s strengths and weaknesses, which can help to develop targeted interventions and accommodations that can support their success in different areas of life.
  • Validation: Testing provides necessary validation for individuals who have been struggling with symptoms but have not received a diagnosis. These answers help to reduce feelings of frustration and isolation and provide a clear path forward for treatment and support.

ADHD testing can help to accurately diagnose ADHD and provide targeted interventions and accommodations to support individuals’ success in different areas of life. Though the idea of testing may be intimidating to some people, having answers can help guide you as you attempt to determine the best possible interventions moving forward. Especially for young children, having a diagnosis early can allow them to achieve proper accommodations to set them up for success. And even for adults that suspect they may suffer from this condition, having answers later in life is still helpful and important.

Though there are several types of tests and assessment methods used in ADHD testing, each has its advantages and disadvantages to consider. While there are potential drawbacks to ADHD testing, the benefits of accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment far outweigh the risks. If you or someone you know is struggling with ADHD symptoms, it may be wise to begin looking into ADHD testing to receive the appropriate support and resources.

New Dimensions Provides Psychological Testing for ADHD

New Dimensions can help you determine if you or your child has ADHD.  New Dimensions provides psychological testing services for both adults and adolescents.  We can test for ADHD, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Learning Disabilities, and other mental health or neurodivergent issues.  New Dimensions has locations in Clear Lake, The Woodlands, and Katy, Texas.  To learn more about psychological testing in the greater Houston area, contact us at 800-686-9796 or visit our website at