The Power of Thoughts – By Blanca Diez, MD

Sep 5, 2019 | Intrusive Thoughts

You are the result of your thoughts. You are what you believe about yourself.

There is one source of wealth, success, and achievement: thought. Thought is behind every action. Thought is your own unlimited source of power.

Your main thoughts determine your character, career, and how you are treated in everyday life. By faith, we strengthen the imagination and strengthen the will.

We also react and respond to others through their expression of convincing us through their thoughts. We vote for the politician who convinces us that he is an able leader who will better our position in life. We can tell a leader by the way he dresses, acts, and carries himself. We often model ourselves after people we admire.

We are also molded by the thoughts of others: parents, teachers, family, and friends. As we find our true self-identity, we can shed the old images of the past and replace them with a firm belief in our own ability and creative thinking.

Your desires affect change. You will discover new talents and powers within yourself and receive support from those with a like mind.

The seeds of your future are the thoughts you create, so deposit positive thoughts into your mind reservoir daily. Your dominant thoughts, when acted upon and mixed with emotions, become your new reality.

You are constantly becoming what you think about, so, change your thoughts often and you change your life. As you think, so you attract.

When your thoughts are brought to fruition, you have emptied your mind reservoir; this allows new creative thoughts to enter. Empty and refill your mind reservoir often.

By concentrating on one thought at a time, the one you love, you displace unloved thoughts with loved ones.

New Dimensions Can Help!

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the above symptoms or problems, New Dimensions can help. Our team of experienced therapists and psychiatrists can help you overcome these challenges and help you develop the skills you need to thrive. To schedule a complementary assessment or to find out more about our programs, contact us at 1-800-685-9796.

Our affiliate, MHThrive, provides Individual Therapy, Couples and Marriage Counseling, and Family Therapy at our locations in Katy, The Woodlands, and the Clear Lake area of Houston, Texas. We also provide telehealth therapy for anyone who resides within the State of Texas. To schedule an appointment with one of the MHThrive therapists, contact us at 713-477-0333 or visit to learn more.