
10 Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the opinion you have about yourself. It shows your attitude concerning your overall sense of value and worth - how you perceive your capabilities and capacities. Self-esteem is a product of your life experiences. It is influenced mainly by your...

How To Cope With OCD Intrusive Thoughts

Do you ever have thoughts that you'd rather not have? Pesky thoughts don't hold much meaning for most and go away quickly. If you do not suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), intrusive thoughts may seem like nothing more than fleeting moments of annoyance....

How to Help a Loved One with Grief

The experience of grief is universal, but also personally unique. Grief can ravage the psyche in many ways – the grieving person may feel deep and intense sadness, but the sadness may be accompanied by anger, fatigue, demotivation, and irritability. When your loved...

Suicide Risks and Teenagers

Suicide Risks and Teenagers

Life can be challenging for teenagers. Their brains are still developing, their bodies are changing, and their hormones are fluctuating. During this stage of life, teenagers struggle to establish meaningful relationships outside of the family and try to find the group...

How To Help Your Teen With Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States, and it can affect people of all ages. Teens are especially vulnerable to depression. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 1 in 5 teens will experience depression before...

Effects of Isolation on Mental Health

Effects of Isolation on Mental Health

In a perfect world, everyone would have the tools to improve their mental health and would be able to be healthy and happy at all times. Unfortunately, we are living in unprecedented times with the current pandemic our world is living in. One of the biggest effects of...



Self-harm occurs when someone purposely hurts or injures themselves. Some of the common methods include cutting yourself with a knife or razor blade or burning or picking at your skin. People who self-harm tend to do so because they are in a great deal of emotional...

Teen Depression

Teen Depression

Most teenagers have days where their energy is low and they feel down or have the “blahs."  These moments usually coincide with life stressors that a teenager is facing and typically are short-lived. Some teenagers, however, experience depression, which is a much...