Frequently Asked Questions

Do you provide individual therapy?

Our programs are primarily group-focused. You will be working with a variety of therapists while you are in New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers and will have opportunities to meet one on one with your case manager to define your treatment goals. In addition, we will help you find an individual therapist that is located in your community. By beginning to work with an individual therapist while you are in the program, you will be able to establish an additional support system that you can maintain once you complete treatment with us. If you already have a therapist when you start the program, you will be able to continue to work with that clinician throughout the treatment process.

Do you make payment arrangements?

Yes. New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers has flexible payment arrangements. We will work with you to make treatment affordable.

Is there family involvement in your programs?

Yes. Each program has opportunities for families to be involved in the treatment process. The adult mental health and chemical dependency programs have evening multifamily groups that are an ongoing part of the program. In addition, our adolescent program is heavily focused on family involvement. In fact, family participation is a requirement for admission into the adolescent program.

woman feeling happy and light at the ocean

I think that I need to detox. Can I do this on an outpatient basis?

It depends. Some individuals are able to detox on an outpatient basis, while others need to be monitored more closely to ensure their safety. Our doctor will help you determine if it is appropriate to detox in an outpatient setting during our evaluation.

Do you have an evening program for drug and alcohol abuse?

Yes. Our adult addiction program is in the evening.

I have a teenager that needs help. Will they have to miss school to come to New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers?

No. Our adolescent program is structured so that teenagers are able to stay in their own school while they are in New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers. Teenagers complete their normal school day and then attend the program after school.

If I come into the adult mental health program during the day, what do I do about work?

Most working individuals who are admitted into our adult mental health program tend to take some time off from work in order to focus on their healing and recovery. Some individuals use sick time or vacation time, while others access their short-term disability benefits and take advantage of the family medical leave act (FMLA). We work closely with many area employers, insurance companies, and employee assistance programs to help you get the time off and the support you need to heal. We also assist you with completing FMLA and short-term disability paperwork if it is needed. An additional option is our evening, adult, online treatment program. This program allows you to attend in the evening without missing work.

What kind of follow-up is there for those individuals who complete the program?

New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers provides ongoing aftercare for those individuals that complete the program. We also help you connect with a psychotherapist and/or psychiatrist to follow up with when appropriate.

Will I be prescribed medications?

Not everyone requires medications. We evaluate each person to determine the best course of treatment for them. If medications are indicated, our psychiatrist will prescribe and monitor the medications while you are in the program.

happy teens

I currently have a psychiatrist that I am working with. Do I continue to see them while I am in New Dimensions?

In some cases, your existing psychiatrist may continue to monitor your medications. However, because of the focused nature of our programs, most clients have their medications monitored by the psychiatrists of New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers.

I currently have a psychologist, counselor, marriage and family therapist, social worker or other therapist that I am working with. Can I continue to see them while I am in New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers?

Yes. We believe in continuity of care. If you have a therapist that you are working with, we want you to continue your work with them. We work to coordinate care with your existing therapist in order to provide focused treatment and facilitate rapid healing and recovery.

Will I have to stay overnight at New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers?

No. New Dimensions Day Treatment Centers is a partial day and intensive outpatient program. The program typically lasts from 3 to 6 hours per day and no one stays overnight.

Are the doors locked?

No. We are an open facility. Everyone who is involved in our programs is here voluntarily.

Our Blog

How To Help Someone With A Drug Addiction

How To Help Someone With A Drug Addiction

Nо mаttеr what happened уеѕtеrdау or thе dау bеfоrе thаt, tоdау is thе first day оf thе rеѕt оf оur lіvеѕ. Thіѕ іѕ true fоr аddісtѕ too, but thеу likely hаvе ѕоmе rеbuіldіng tо dо from where thеу аrе bеfоrе they саn mоvе fоrwаrd wіth lіfе. Yes, thаt рrосеѕѕ оf...

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